
This repository is created by group Progress for the front-end of the final project.
Team members:

Use the following steps to set up and run the client (front-end) application on your local machine

  1. Download the GitHub repository ZIP file to your local machine and unzip it.
  2. Start a terminal (e.g., Git Bash) on your local machine.
  3. Go into the “client-starter-code” folder, enter the command to install dependencies: npm install
  4. Start the client application by entering the command: npm start
  5. After the client application is successfully started, a web browser is automatically opened at the address: http://localhost:3000

This project include following features.

  1. Able to navigate with narbar to all campuss and all students


  1. In All campuses panel you can delete, add new campus and navigate to single campus page.


  1. In single campus page you can edit, delete campus, edit campus and navigate with enrolled student page.


  1. In student page, you can edit, and delete student.
